Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what He has done. (Ps; 105:1)
With grateful hearts we have gathered together at Sr.Mary Jane Wilson community for the IVth assembly of the delegation of St.Francis of Assisi, India. When we look back we feel the presence of God with us. We extend our sincere gratitude for each and every sister who has contributed their level best for our formation. we would say that it’s because of them that we are here today. Thank you so much sisters for all your dedication, hard work and sacrifice to form us today as a delegation.
On 10th October 2024 Thursday, the assembly of the delegation of St Francis of Assisi commenced with a holy Eucharistic celebration in the chapel of Sr.Mary Jane Wilson community. The Holy Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Rev Fr. Edward Thomas SDB founder of “Dream network India”; followed by the talk of Rev Fr Edward Thomas on the topic of 7 areas of Jesus life in our mission. They are as follows:
- Close to God
- personal transformation
- community living
- Introducing Jesus to others
- transformation of individual
- Jesus was with last least and lost
- challenged His own religion
In the afternoon we gathered for the opening ceremony of the IVth assembly of the delegation of St Francis of Assisi delegation. It was inaugurated by Rev Sr.Ana Rita 3rd counselor of the general Bursar by lightening the lamp “which dispels the darkness” according to the Indian tradition. During this assembly we have received prayerful wishes from Mother General and her counselors, His Excellency Rt Rev Dr Silvestre Ponnimuthan the bishop of Punalur diocese and from different organisms of our congregation.
The assembly was presided over by Rev Sr Ana Rita sister has also presented the picture of rotten pears and the good pears compared to community life .sister has added that we are called to serve the people and it is our right time to revitalization and restructuring of the congregation .the theme for the assembly is” walking together in the light of the Holy spirit for a renewed life. Sister had given some questions for the reflection and evaluation. Then we also had a time of sharing of the annual report of the each community and play school. After having interaction Sr.Jincy Joseph Kattikattu the Delegate Superior has presented the annual report of the delegation. Some of the points were taken for the group discussions and suggestions were made. The assembly came to an end on 12th October 2024.
As an outcome of this assembly we felt that we have grown up and have taken an active participation in it.

We extent our profound gratitude to Mother General and her counselors in a special way Sr.Ana Rita who is with us and have taken the great effort to make us known the decisions that have taken in general chapter 2021. We are thankful to our delegate superior and her counselors, who have arranged, worked hard and dedicated to make this assembly elegant. We are indebted to Sr.Mary Jane Wilson community, Chellanam for affording all of us here. We are also grateful for all those who have participated in it, specially all the six communities of our Delegation.
We too believe that the presence of our beloved sisters Sabeena Preeja and Jenani Mudiappan were with us along these days of assembly.
We are very much thankful for all those who have thought for us and prayed for us. It was a great blessing from the Almighty God and Father of us all that we have enjoyed a lot.
We would like to wind up this article with the words of Alice Waters “This is the power of gathering it inspires us delightfully to be more powerful, more joyful, and more thoughtful, in a word more alive.